acetylene gas 积己
1. Acetylene generator(medium pressure): It mainly consists of a twin Hopper that is: a. Agitator and its drive unit. b. Carbide Hopper screw feeder and its drive. c. Flash back arrestor. d. Safety relief valves drain system & the automatic controls system. SAFETY: The generator is fitted with five safety valves. One is fitted on the gas outlet frame, one of each of the flash arrestors and one on each of the carbide Hopper. The bottom of the generator is fitted with an air-operated drain valve which discharge slurry in response to the slurry level is high. There is a water inlet valve, which opens in response to the temperature of the slurry. 2. Cooler condenser: The cooler condenser cools the acetylene gas having the generator, which is hot and laden with moisture and other gaseous impurities. 3. Low pressure Dryer: This is a pressure vessel charged with solid anhydrous carbide which absorbs the moisture in the gas. 4. Purifier: This is a large vessel provided with two sectors by wire mesh frame network. Each sections by wire mesh frame work. Each sectors are charged with purifying mass which absorbs gases like hydrogen sulphide, phosgene etc. 5. Ammonia scrubber: This equipment has a vertical vessel filled with a level gauge and water make-up line. A particular as marked on the level indicator has to be maintained. The ammonia scrubber all the water soluble impurities like ammonia. 6. Acetylene compressor: The acetylene compressor is a three stage machine which is immersed in water filled tank to avoid any pressurized gas to come in contact with air and also to make sure that all the components are continuously cooled. The compressor is drawn by flame proof motor from outside the tank. 7. High Pressure Dryer: The high pressure dryer consists of three columns. The first column is filled with packing to avoid any void and for proper mixing and the second and third are filled with anhydrous calcium chloride. 8. Filling manifold: The acetylene gas manifold consists of two headers fitted with non-return valves, one flash back arrestors, pressure gauge and manual isolation valves. 9. Acetone Pump: Acetone pump is supplied along with the plant for charging acetone in cylinders. 10. Automatic controls of acetylene generator: a) Temperature cum water inlet control. b) High temperature alarm. c) Level cum slurry discharge control. d) Level alarm. e) Pressure controls. f) Control of high temperature. g) Control of high level. 11. Level controls: Level controller maintaining a particular level in the generator. If the level is above normal, water can enter the carbide hopper. 12. Level alarm: The pressure inside the acetylene generator is controlled by a meteoroid switch. 13. Pressure alarm: This is the important part for the safety of this plant. A pressure switch is connected to the alarm system. |